Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Selstedt: Family of 3

1 week ago Monday I woke up not feeling well, unknowing I would have a beautiful baby boy by that night. You would think the 15 hours in the meantime would have been long and painstaking, however I can only look back at that day and smile remembering the whirlwind of anticipation and excitement.
I started the day at work as I normally do, while some of my favorite people in the world (who also happen to be my co-workers) helped me time my contractions throughout the morning. By lunch, I was ready to leave work, but not quite ready to check into the hospital so I went to my friend Randi's house. She took a long walk with me on a 90+ degree day while we waited for Cody to drive home from work in Detroit Lakes and pick me up.
After checking into the hospital, things progressed steadily throughout the evening. When the contractions seemed unbearable, I would look over at Cody. His excitement was contagious, and better than any kind of epidural or pain medication they could have offered me. It carried me through the final stages of labor and at exactly 11:09 we had our reward. The single most perfect thing I have ever laid eyes on-my sweet Milo.

We have been home for a week now and we are all doing well. I would say we are adjusting, but it feels like anything but. In fact, I'm not sure how we ever lived without him. Welcome to our family Milo Wayne!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day after due date.

It's 40 weeks + 1 day today..and no sign of a baby coming quite yet.  This is after baby got us a little excited after a day of contractions Thursday, we thought we were headed for the delivery room for sure! Instead, yesterday and last night followed by being very uneventful.
It was hard not to feel a little discouraged yesterday, but this morning brings a whole new day.  We were able to sleep in and make some coffee and muffins--something Cody and I almost NEVER get to do  together on a Saturday morning with our conflicting work schedules and busy lives.  I feel a little selfish saying so, but there is a small part of me that is actually happy that baby is giving us this one last opportunity for mom and dad to enjoy some time together.  Plus, it is absolutely gorgeous outside this morning, and I still feel great--so much to be thankful for. 
We can't wait to update with exciting news!! But as for this morning, it's just coffee and muffins for us.  :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well, it's another month and we are just that much closer to meeting baby s!  We're trying so hard to cherish these last few weeks as a family of 2, but usually we are overwhelmed with eagerness to become a family of 3.  Cody mentions nearly every day that he wants the baby to come out.  Now.
As much as I've loved being pregnant I'm starting to agree.  If my expanding belly weren't enough persuasion, looking down the hallway of my house and seeing the baby's room certainly is.  38 days to go.
I read in magazines about the relationship that a mother develops with her baby during pregnancy.  Until recently, I didn't understood this feeling. Then, I noticed that the baby wakes me up at almost the same time every morning by kicking--I've started to look forward to it.  Whenever I feel a lot of emotion whether it be excitement, worry, or happiness, the baby always reacts by moving around a lot as if it knows or understands what I'm feeling. 
Lately, I feel like I "know" my baby.  I feel like I can somewhat predict its schedule, what activities it does or doesn't like, what foods it does or doesn't like.  And I don't even know his or her name...or even if it's a him or her! I'm sure these feelings only brush the surface of the unconditional love parents have for their children.  The love we will soon come to know..

Oh, and I've also noticed that the baby loves it when I sing...only to further solidify my thoughts of unconditional love since I could possibly have the worst singing voice :)  See you soon baby s!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

30 weeks.

Well, I feel like we're rounding 3rd and headed home so to speak!  The final stretch is here, and we are getting very anxious to meet our baby!  Especially after meeting the newest Kummer cousin, Gage.  There is nothing like holding a new baby to make an expecting Mom-to-be even more excited.  Congratulations by the way to Mike a Steph!  Gage is quite the handsome little guy ;)
Cody and I have spent the last week or two finishing up a few "nesting" projects in the house.  The baby's room is nearly ready and even has some clothes hanging the closet (both pink and blue options, of course).  We also tiled our kitchen and dinning room-a big project to check off of our "to-do" list before the baby arrives.  
I continue to feel great, although I think I'm fighting a losing battle with my energy levels.  That tired feeling I remember from the first trimester seemed to start creeping back in this week.  Still, our blessings far outweigh any complaints.  We're reminded of this as we just had another great doctors appointment on Thursday.  The doctor could already tell that the baby is positioned head down and will likely stay that way until the big day! I'm hoping this means baby s won't be a procrastinator like its Mother :)  One can hope..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

27 weeks-with a suntan!

We spent last weekend in the Florida Keys with Cody's family for Jenni and Joe's wedding, and we had such a great time!  It felt so good to get some sun as this winter seems to keep dragging on and on.
It was also fun to get a feel of what it's like to be pregnant in the summer.  I've been so used to bundling up in layers out of pure necessity, hoping I can make it from my car to the door of Target without slipping on the ice and tumbling down like a weeble-wobble with my big belly! Instead, we enjoyed some outdoor walks, swimming and even deep sea fishing! I think the baby liked all of our new activities, especially the swimming because it would dance in my tummy like it was doing some water aerobics of its own!
Baby has been moving around quite a bit these days-in a much more powerful manner too.  BJ can attest to this as he is convinced he has a bruised hand after feeling a large kick through my belly.  This also solidified his thoughts of baby s being a boy, as he reasoned a girl could never kick that hard.  We'll see..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

23 weeks

Love punches

In the last few weeks, we've gone from feeling the baby kick to actually watching little pokes and prods coming from my tummy.  Cody thinks it's so funny to be able to see this.
I was telling my nieces and nephews that we can feel the baby kick all the time now.  My wonderful nephew, Logan asked how I could tell the baby was kicking rather than punching. Well, I can't I guess.  Leave it to Logan to think of such things.  Now, when I feel the baby move I have to giggle at his comment and wonder what I'm actually feeling. A little kick? Love punch? Or a head-butt?
I'm still feeling great and enjoying the extra energy I have compared to the first trimester.  I feel lucky to be able to stay active and continue some of my favorite activities. 
Our next big adventure will be our first family vacation coming up in about 3 weeks.  We will be traveling to Islamorada,  Florida for Cody's sisters wedding.  We are really looking forward to the wedding of course, and also some sun and sand.  Baby S will soon have it's first sunbathing experience as I plan to rub SPF all over my belly and soak up some vitamin D.
I'm a little behind on my latest baby bump picture, but plan to take one after Cody is done working today so check back in tonight for a pic of katie and baby!